Friday, May 27, 2022

Praise God for Becoming our Salvation!

Isaiah 12:1-6 

1 And in that day you will say:
"O LORD, I will praise You;
Though You were angry with me,
Your anger is turned away, and You comfort me.

2 Behold, God is my salvation,
I will trust and not be afraid;
For YAH, the LORD, is my strength and song;
He also has become my salvation.'"

3 Therefore with joy you will draw water
From the wells of salvation.

4 And in that day you will say:
"Praise the LORD, call upon His name;
Declare His deeds among the peoples,
Make mention that His name is exalted.

5 Sing to the LORD,
For He has done excellent things;
This is known in all the earth.

6 Cry out and shout, O inhabitant of Zion,
For great is the Holy One of Israel in your midst!"

Praise the Lord for tour salvation!  Though His justified strong anger was on us, yet He turned that anger away because it was satisfied by Himself by becoming our salvation in the Messiah.  He sacrificed His Son in our stead to pour out that wrath on the perfect and blameless sacrifice who never sinned as we have from Adam to ourselves.  This is more than enough reason to praise the Lord who comforts us in that forgiveness which never ends nor can be taken away!  Yes, God is my salvation and that truth realized takes away my fear of death and punishment of deserved judgment.  What should we who have obtained this heavenly state then do?  We begin as Isaiah wrote here from God’s pen, trusting with an unshakable faith to once and for all time put aside fear of unending torment (Matthew 25:46) for our rebellious sins (1 John 4:18) which we have been pardoned from by God’s work to save us.  He has quite literally become our salvation to deliver us from the kingdom of darkness in that of His marvelous light of His countenance (1 Peter 2:9, Acts 26:18).  We can therefore draw living water from Him who lives in us of that salvation (John 4:14, 7:38-39), which is His very and Holy Spirit in every regenerated one called to trust and receive Him and His work for that deliverance (John 1:12).  We can draw out of Him to satisfy our thirst and revive us when we fail again (1 John 1:9).  The promise is that we can not only praise Him as His due for all these things, but we can also call on His name in times of joy or trouble alike and then tell others of all His wonderful works, especially the gospel which we find from Genesis 3:15 to this passage in Isaiah to the fullness of time when Jesus the Christ came as God among us, Emmanuel.   We speak to others not only to make disciples but also to lift up His name in praise to give the Lord the glory due to Him.  We make much about Jesus to make much about the Father by the working of His Spirit in us.  This is our declaration of God’s work to the world.  We can also sing these praises to Him because of all the excellence of His working to show the world and remind ourselves of His worthiness which drives the direction of our new life in Him.  Like these children of God long ago, we also cry out with a shout of the greatness of the God who is with and among us.  Let us therefore praise Him and tell of all His wondrous deeds among the people!  Praise God for becoming our salvation! 

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