Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Be Humble and Teachable

 Ecclesiastes 4:13-16 

13 Better a poor and wise youth
Than an old and foolish king who will be admonished no more.

14 For he comes out of prison to be king,
Although he was born poor in his kingdom.

15 I saw all the living who walk under the sun;
They were with the second youth who stands in his place.

16 There was no end of all the people over whom he was made king;
Yet those who come afterward will not rejoice in him.
Surely this also is vanity and grasping for the wind.

Popularity and riches are empty pursuits because those who rule by refusing to learn from others only find themselves growing older and less wise until they reach utter foolishness.  It is far better to be poor with understanding and wisdom in the knowledge of God and His word to guide us.  This requires submission to the Lord and humility to know He alone has all knowledge and wisdom and power.  Sometimes one might be even imprisoned and set free to find themselves corrected in their wrongs and rise to rule well in that acquired wisdom as the example here in verse 14, or in a less dramatic sense of imprisonment in their sin to be set free in the Lord to rule or lead wisely in humility.  It is not therefore into what position in life one is born into, but that to which a person is called out of to do.  This does not guarantee that others after him will rejoice in his popularity or success, for these may not last either.  Wisdom in humility is not always appreciated because others are proud, jealous, and even vindictive in wiping away the memories of a good man who rules or leads.  But the Lord sees and rewards in His ways and times for a lasting accolade.  Yes, we do not look for the reward here if we truly are humble and put into positions by God for His glory because the world is set against the Lord and His Anointed.  It would appear to us as it did to Solomon that it is all vain and meaningless to lead or rule for the Lord since nobody appreciates or even recognizes the calling and labor in humility, but we who are in Christ realize the wisdom of God in putting people to rise and fall according to His word and plan.  May we then learn humility in leadership if called into such roles as we give credit to Him and do not seek accolades from others in this knowledge of understanding in wisdom.  May we learn to increase in being humble and teachable.  That is never an empty or vain pursuit.  Amen. 

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