Monday, July 31, 2017

Who are You, Lord?

Acts 22:6-9 
6 “Now it happened, as I journeyed and came near Damascus at about noon, suddenly a great light from heaven shone around me. 7 And I fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to me, ‘Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?’ 8 So I answered, ‘Who are You, Lord?’ And He said to me, ‘I am Jesus of Nazareth, whom you are persecuting.’ 9 “And those who were with me indeed saw the light and were afraid, but they did not hear the voice of Him who spoke to me.

Paul recounts his conversion when Jesus sought him and called him out to Himself.  The light shone in darkness, and the darkness did not overcome the light because it was the brilliance of God Himself before Saul.  Nobody could see the light but Saul, much like Nicodemus was told how the Spirit of God is as unseen as the wind.  God works to reveal Himself to each of us in unseen ways after drawing us over unseen years to know Him, even if not so spectacularly as Paul.  Salvation is God's work, not ours, and we so live for His glory shone into our hearts, not ourselves.

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