Thursday, July 14, 2022

I am Gump

 I am Forrest Gump

Grace to Humbly Follow and Serve - Isaiah 30:21

Watching Forrest Gump again (July 7, 2022), it struck me how he talked at the end of the film of not knowing if events in our lives are destiny alone, or random circumstances that open ways for us to go. He then thinks it may be both. I find in Christ a camaraderie of sorts with this character and all he experienced in life which led him, made him prosper, and grow wiser in both sorrow and joy. Like a box of chocolates, we don’t know what we will get when we reach in to partake of one. 

The difference is knowing according to God’s word that destiny is actually God’s sovereign working of predestined grace in my life; it is not random nor is it an impersonal programmed set of circumstances which I have lived through. My pride made me initially think that the finger of God had touched me in some special way to lead and guide me, to teach me, to bring me to certain people and places to make me of some great use to Him unlike many other believers. The Spirit’s sanctifying work and the mind of Christ given me have been misinterpreted along the way of my walk with Christ, especially since some of the circumstances seemed to be so incredible. I think of how He led me to trust Him for salvation with the acrobatic bicycle incident and the dream of talking with my best friend to see him again, as well as the events after my conversion to teach me trust like the bus in Carmel arriving on my walk back from Point Lobos where I entered without breaking stride as it stopped and the door opened. There were times of great insight into His word that left me breathless and times of silent witness offering me a chance to verbalize the gospel. I have come to believe these to be more normative workings of God in every born-again believer. 

Over time, I have learned that the supernatural working of the Lord in all things in my life is His destined grace on me for His glory as well as my good in all His provision in ways of jobs, places, houses, and many other extra things undeserved and unasked for. The Lord may not use me as I expect or imagine, but that is His choice, and I only hope to follow after His leading still and not choose my own way. There were times of finding a house or car that was just what was needed at the time without me demanding or expecting such unmerited provision, not to mention the church trip to Keukenhof in the Netherlands where my friendship with my future bride began. Even in the smallest things like being in the right place at the right times to press the shutter button to capture wonderful photographs still makes me sit back in wonder. 

Like Gump, I am not always the brightest flame, but can trust the leading in life and follow as I do my best to make the journey honor God. These thoughts had played in my head after watching the movie last night, and have a sobering perspective in walking by faith, service, and humility. Too often I do what seems like nothing for my Lord, or I let pretense or pride subtly creep in and spoil the good He works in and through me in teaching or writing, none of which I imagine I am particularly gifted in or good at. May I lean more on Him to do what I am destined to do and take advantage of the unforeseen circumstances He leads me through in my sanctification and service.

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