Thursday, March 21, 2019

Laboring Together in God’s Field

1 Peter 3:7 
7 Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered.
Following instructions on submission of wives in marriage for conformity to Christ (1 Peter 3:1-6), we now see the submission of the husband.  He is to yield by showing understanding of the roles each lives out and as a husband of a wife made in God’s image, and how to honor her in His eyes rather than those of society or even of the expectations of the wife herself apart from God’s value and calling.  The fact of being referred to as a weaker vessel in no way implies lesser value or ability, but merely the physical and possibly emotional makeup differences.  The previous verses aimed to reorient the outlook of the wife from outward appearance to the inner person of the heart in the image of Christ, and this continues the thought with the added outward differences which must be acknowledged and taken into account to honor properly.  In marriage, we all are joint heirs of the grace of God-given life, both here and in eternity, so we must honor and submit to each other in the roles and callings as created for God to be open to our prayers.  Eve as the first wife was made from the side of her husband (Genesis 2:21-24) to be equal, yet as his helper in God’s calling to be fruitful and multiply (Genesis 1:27-28), and that not only by physical children.  Together, couples multiply the kingdom (Matthew 28:19-20) when taking on the roles and so fulfilling His call within the outlines of His work for each of us.  Therefore we yield to Him and each other with joy to conform to Christ in our work and inner transformation, not seeing a weaker vessel as anything but more reason to honor with understanding, and laboring together with submission in God’s field.

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