Friday, January 18, 2019

Shadows of the Holy and His Place

Hebrews 9:1-5 
1 Then indeed, even the first covenant had ordinances of divine service and the earthly sanctuary. 2 For a tabernacle was prepared: the first part, in which was the lampstand, the table, and the showbread, which is called the sanctuary; 3 and behind the second veil, the part of the tabernacle which is called the Holiest of All, 4 which had the golden censer and the ark of the covenant overlaid on all sides with gold, in which were the golden pot that had the manna, Aaron's rod that budded, and the tablets of the covenant; 5 and above it were the cherubim of glory overshadowing the mercy seat. Of these things we cannot now speak in detail.

The first covenant and the temple with its sacrifices and service are described in the beginning of this chapter to explain the contrast with the heavenly.  The sanctuary was outside the inner room hidden behind the veil, this holy of holies where God met the high priests at the mercy seat. In this holiest of places, the ark and mercy seat were covered in gold, symbolic of incorruptibility and purity.  This ark held the artifacts of the first covenant of Moses, and was overlooked by angels glorifying God and exalting His mercy.  He does not go into more detail here, for it is enough to know and see how this was a mere shadow of the heavenly throne and sanctuary of unending grace in the presence of the holy God and His Christ.  The chapter will go on to make this more clear, but it is sufficient to bring our attention to the symbolism and shadows of what is really important as revealed in Jesus Christ’s person and work. 

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